Helga Kleisny

katze titel

The German edition of My First Cat had a print run of 10000 copies.

My First Cat was the second book I wrote. Funnily enough, it was offered to me by the publisher through an agent, while I was writing my first book: With the Mac on the Internet (as an assignment for a Swiss publisher of technical books). So they said, "You have cats, why don't you write a book about raising cats?"

The challenge was not only writing the two very different books at the same time, but also the spelling. In Switzerland they have different words and different spellings – which the editor then corrected for me. And there is no sharp "ß" in Swiss German, but conveniently only the double "s". So I wrote two books at the same time in "two" languages and with completely different content and style.

The French translation is great. It captures my style perfectly. Auzou is still very successful today, which is not the case with the German publisher, who has gradually been taken over by larger and larger publishers.

Auzou Publishing is a well established French publishing house, founded in 1970. Auzou enjoys in creating books that inspire children thanks to the collaboration of talented authors and illustrators..